The Italian Parliament has introduced a significant change to court filing fees through Law no. 207 of December 30, 2024, which became effective on January 1, 2025, under the 2025 Budget Law. The filing fee has increased from €518 per case to €600 per petitioner. This change has raised widespread concerns among associations, politicians, and […]
Categoria: News
Navigating Change: How The Citizenship-by-Descent Process Has Evolved Since 2021
The journey to obtain Italian citizenship by descent (jure sanguinis) has always required determination and preparation. Over the last two years, however, a series of legislative, administrative, and judicial developments have made the process more complex, time-consuming, and more expensive for applicants. Key Developments in the Citizenship-by-Descent Process (updated January, 2025) Here’s a timeline of […]
Ministry of the Interior’s New Circular (Instructions): What It Means for Italian Dual Citizenship Applications
On October 3, 2024, the Italian Ministry of the Interior issued a new circular to local prefectures and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This document outlines three key directives regarding citizenship, with the first directive significantly impacting Italian Americans seeking dual citizenship. The “Minor Case” Update This instruction addresses the so-called “minor case”, referencing two […]
Joint Inheritance: A Recent Ruling by the Italian Supreme Court
Recently, the Italian Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione) ruled on a complex case of joint inheritance, providing important clarification on the legitimacy of legal action by individual heirs. The case began with the death of one of two business partners. The surviving partner, without involving the deceased partner’s heirs, registered all the company assets in […]
Invalidity of Agreements Waiving Future Inheritance Rights: A Recent Supreme Court Decision
The Italian Supreme Court recently reiterated that agreements in which parties waive their future inheritance rights are invalid under Italian law. In the case examined by the Court, the agreement was particularly insidious because it initially did not appear to violate the law. However, the Court identified and sanctioned it. Here are the facts. Upon […]
Court fee changes: how much will you pay for civil procedures (dual citizenship)?
How much will people filing to Court have to pay for civil procedures? Civil cases: summary and simplified procedures With the approval of the Cartabia reform and law # 197/2022, from March 1st, 2023, declaratory summary proceedings will be replaced by simplified procedures as per art. 281 decies and ss C.P.C. Citizenship by Descent, new […]
Italian citizenship by descent, June 2022 legislation: how to find your Court of reference
Proceedings for the establishment of Italian citizenship must be submitted to the District Court in the city where the Court of Appeal of reference for the ancestors’ native town is located. How can I find my Court of reference after June 22, 2022? MY LAWYER IN ITALY® understands how complicated navigating the Italian legal system […]
The Minor Case: which Italian Dual Citizenship petitions are getting rejected?
The word Minor Case in Italian Citizenship has been long used to mean that if an Italian father naturalized after his child was born, though still a minor, that child retained Italian Citizenship. This legal argument is based on the Consulate practice to take Italian Citizenship applications. This practice derives from a precedent set by […]
Developments in the Rome Court of Appeals Ease Path to Italian Citizenship
(September 1st, 2021) Please read below articles if you wish to see how the history of this issue evolved. This new approach has been staunchly opposed by lawyers dealing with citizenship cases in Rome. Their argument is that Article 7, and not Article 12, of Law No. 555 of 1912 must be applied in such […]