
Do I have to pay for a first consultation with you?

MY LAWYER IN ITALY® provides a first free consultation with an English-speaking expert in Rome or Orvieto, with no obligation. The consultation will be a video call, or phone call if you prefer. 

Which documents do I need?

Dual Citizenship: To apply for Italian dual citizenship you will need: birth and marriage certificates of your Italian-born ancestors from the Italian comune (city hall); death certificates of your Italian-born ancestors, if deceased; naturalization certificates; vital records (birth, marriage, and death certificates) of your family members. 

Inheritance: To start inheritance proceedings, My Lawyer in Italy will need your contact details and an official ID document to confirm your identity. In the case of a probate succession, the last will and testament of the deceased will also be required. 

How long will my case take? 

The length of time a case will take to complete successfully, whether an Italian dual citizenship or inheritance case, depends on the complexity of the matter. Despite the slowness of the Italian legal system, the team at My Lawyer in Italy will use its expertise and experience to help your case move as quickly as possible.

How much will your representation cost?

Costs, as well as the length of the process, depend on the complexity of your situation and whether you have an Italian dual citizenship or inheritance case. My Lawyer in Italy will do its best to meet your needs within your budget.

Do I have to travel to Italy?

No. Whether yours is an Italian dual citizenship or an inheritance case, My Lawyer in Italy can prepare a Power of Attorney for you to sign, which gives Avvocato Grasso the authority to act on your behalf, without the need for you to come to Italy.


Which payment methods can I use?

WIRE TRANSFER (bonifico bancario) – a direct payment from your bank to ours. 

WISE (formerly TRANSFERWISE) – an online platform for international bank wire transfers or for payments with debit or credit card.

CREDIT CARD – if you choose this payment method, you will receive a link for each invoice that redirects you to a safe portal where you can insert your credit card information. 

What are your payment plans – do I have to pay upfront?

Payment plans vary, depending on whether your case regards dual citizenship or inheritance.  

Do I have to pay in euros or dollars?

Payments must be made exclusively in euros.